Is It Written In the Stars?

Is It Written In the Stars?

Here at Besa Marketing, we are often asked about reviews and what can you do when you get a bad review.

by The Besa Marketing Team

Stars matter.

It’s just being reported that there are some Amazon sellers offering to refund more than 100% of the purchase price on items just to entice people to pull their negative reviews. Amazon clearly states that is not in accordance with their policies and do everything that they can to prevent sellers from contacting buyers outside of their messaging system. Sellers and services know the value of having great reviews.

What do you need to know:

Bad reviews happen every day
Some of them can be removed under certain circumstances.
If handled correctly bad reviews can turn your clients into your biggest fans and influencers.

In our current culture, people are more prone to leave a bad review on Google or on another outlet than they are to voice their frustration with the service provider or owner of the business. People feel confident leaving a review and they are often written in the heat of the moment while their emotions are still involved. But bad reviews happen, we are human after all and there are some customers that you are never going to perform well enough for. As a business owner or service provider, reviews give you a chance to evaluate your customer service, your products, and services as well as help to identify ways that you can be better.

All good things if you will keep up with your reviews and be open-minded to suggestions.

But I just want them gone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Bad reviews can be removed if it can be proven that they are written by disgruntled employees, automated bots, or are written from fake accounts. Each platform has a way to dispute a review, but at the end of the day, it rests on your shoulders to prove that the review is not fair or just.

The best course of action is to reply to the review. As of today’s writing, the keywords that are in your responses are used by Google to play into your rankings. Unanswered reviews Google guesses that you are an unresponsive provider and that can tank your rankings over time. Reviews are important for multiple reasons but the best thing you can do is reply quickly and acknowledge their frustration. Taking the conversation off the review site is a good tactic, especially if they are still writing disparaging things. Getting them to contact you off the site allows you to have a conversation and to make it right. t. It’s still unethical to offer them something to take the review down but make it right for them and you have found the secret sauce to making them a loyal supporter of your brand. People want to be validated and heard, as a provider, if you do that, the whole situation can be turned around quickly.

With as many review platforms that are available keeping up with all of your reviews in a timely matter can almost become a full-time job. That is why Besa Marketing has multiple options to set you up for success in your review management needs. Get in touch with us today and let us help you find the right tools to turn those frowns upside down.

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