301 Redirect
A signal to the search engines that a web page has moved. A person attempting to reach the original page gets taken to a new page that’s the closest match.
404 Error
A type of technical SEO error that signals the web page could not be found (often because it’s been moved or deleted).
A/B Testing
Comparing two variations of a single variable to determine which performs best in order to improve marketing metrics.
Ad Impressions
The number of times an ad has been served, regardless of whether the user has actually seen or interacted with the ad in any way.
Affiliate Marketing
Publishers have websites that get traffic and advertisers want to promote their products to the people who visit those websites. Affiliate marketing is an agreement between a publisher and an advertiser where the publisher receives compensation for every click delivered and/or every sale made of the advertiser’s product or service.
Alternative (Alt) Text
Tags placed on images which provide the search engines with a written description of an image.
Accelerated mobile pages make a page load lighting-fast on mobile devices. AMP is most often used by publishers.
Links places on external sites that redirect back to the pages of your company.
Black Hat SEO
Aggressive and unlawful SEO tactics that try manipulating search engines by sabotaging their guidelines.
Bounce Rate
Percentage of visitors who navigate away from your site after only viewing one page.
Happens when someone masquerades as your brand online, using a website which falsely pretends to be yours. This may be just a parody or a protest. It can also be a fraudulent effort to cash in on your brand’s reputation to sell imitation products which counterfeit yours. Some of them just squat there, knowing that the rightful owner will need to claim that particular site, page or social media account and would be willing to pay them to vacate it.
Broken Link
A link on the web that points to a moved or non-existent page. Broken links are frowned upon by the search engines because the crawlers are being directed to dead end.
Call-to-Action (CTA)
It is a button, link, or image where the goal is to get the visitor to visit a landing page in order to convert them to a lead.
Business listings which include your business’ name, address, and phone number. Think of Google My Business or Apple Maps.
When launching a campaign, advertisers select a specific action or set of actions they want audiences to take. Each time a member of the audience takes this action, it is counted as a conversion. Conversions include actions such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase on a website.
Information stored on a website visitor’s browser. A cookie tracks the visitor’s movement on the website and is used to remember the visitor’s behavior and preferences. These do not transfer across browsers.
Cost Per Click (CPC)
Actual price that is paid for each click in the Pay-per-Click (PPC) campaign.
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Deep Linking
Linking to a content page that is not present on the home page of the website.
Direct Traffic
Traffic flowing to your website directly with no referring URL.
Edge Rank
Refers to a tool used by Facebook based on algorithms which manages the updates, posts, photos and other information shown on a person’s Facebook news feed.
Feature Snippets
Answer blocks that appear at the top of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), featuring content pulled your website pages.
Geographic Targeting
Selecting an audience for a campaign based on zip codes, designated marketing area (DMA), cities, states, and countries.
Google Ads
An advertising platform by Google which offers paid lsitings on www.google.com and other associated networks. Google Ads are sold on a cost-per-click basis.
Hard Bounce
Permanent delivery issue where emails are not delivered possibly because of the email address is bogus or the receiver blocked you.
Inbound Marketing
Customer-focused, two-way communication. Permission-based, with a goal of being personalized, helpful, relevant, and meeting customers where they are.
These are key persons who drive a brand’s message to the larger market. Many brands are focusing on inspiring (and even hiring and paying) influencers to convey their message to a larger group of consumers.
Key performance indicator (KPI)
Metrics tracked to evaluate success towards achieving marketing goals.
A specific word or phrase chosen by advertisers to trigger and include their ad within search engine results. The advertiser doing contextual advertising also chooses keywords, so that their ad will show up within pages that are returned for that keyword. In search advertising, the position of the ad within the results is determined by bidding. The highest bidder on a keyword usually gets
the top position.
Landing Pages
Simplified webpages set up to promote a particular piece of content or an event. These pages will not have website navigation, hyperlinks to other pages, or anything to distract the user from filling out the form, which is the ultimate goal for the page.
A potential customer. In digital advertising, a lead is someone who has given you their contact information, often by signing up for a newsletter or filling out a form to download an eBook or other gated content.
Lead Magnets
Any digital, downloadable content that a lead would give up their contact info/fill out a form to receive such as PDFs, eBooks, white papers, videos, etc.
HTML tags that offer metadata on a web page – this is an SEO puzzle that has an impact on the ranking of a webpage.
(Marketing Qualified Leads) Leads that have been qualified by the marketing team to be interested in your company/product and more likely to become a customer than other leads. Multimedia Content When more than one media (like text, images, videos or podcasts) are used to deliver content, it’s called multimedia content.
Organic Results
Search results that occur dues to the relevance of the page and not due to paid ads.
Organic Traffic
Visitors directed to your website as a results of unpaid search results.
Outbound Marketing
Self-focused, one-way communication. Goal is to blast your message out far and wide to as large an audience as possible.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
Ads shown in search results, social media, and on websites where the advertisers pay for each click on their ad.
Pillar Pages
SEO-rich, copy-heavy pages meant to be the “ultimate guide” to something. Used to educate visitors on complex topics, and often entail multi-media such as videos, animation, graphics, etc.
Reputation Management
It’s the act of proactively establishing, improving and monitoring the publicly available online information about a business or individual, using online interaction strategies which ensure that they stay untarnished. Design and manage your information online across online channels and search engines, as an assured way of establishing long term relationships with one’s online contacts and clients.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The strategic way of using keywords in the navigation of your website, content and inbound links to increase rankings in SERPs.
Search Engine Results Pages are the pages that appear when you enter a search. It has 3 sections: paid ads, search query, and organic results.
Social Proofs
When a piece of content is read, liked or shared by more people, it is supposed to be proven more trustworthy, reliable or credible.
User Experience (UX)
The overall user experience is the impression a person using a product such as a website or computer application has, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.
Viral Media
Content which gains significant and rapid visibility from new viewers mainly through publicity offered by word-of-mouth referrals and sharing on social media.
White Hat SEO
Search engine optimization techniques which are ethical and which involve no deception.